圖1 圖2 加速度
sudo apt-get install python-pip libglib2.0-dev sudo pip3 install bluepy
第59行: Per = Peripheral("你的Rabboni編號", "random")
import struct from bluepy.btle import * import binascii import struct import time, RPi.GPIO as GPIO pwmport=12 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.OUT) # callback class def com(temp): dec = int(temp,16) if dec > 32768: dec = ((dec ^ 0xFFFF) + 1 )* -1 dec = dec * 2 / 32768 return dec class MyDelegate(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data): t1 = binascii.hexlify(data)[0:4] t2 = binascii.hexlify(data)[4:8] t3 = binascii.hexlify(data)[8:12] t4 = binascii.hexlify(data)[12:16] t5 = binascii.hexlify(data)[16:20] t6 = binascii.hexlify(data)[20:24] print("Acc X = ",com(t1)) print("Acc Y = ",com(t2)) #print("Acc Z = ",com(t3)) #print("Gyro X = ",com(t4)*500) #print("Gyro Y = ",com(t5)*500) #print("Gyro Z = ",com(t6)*500) ############################################################## #Scan boardcast scanner = Scanner() devices = scanner.scan(10.0) for dev in devices: print ("Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi)) for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): print (" %s = %s" % (desc, value)) #print("input your device address") #address = input() ############################################################### # connect to device #per = Peripheral("D4:DE:30:7D:F5:BC", "random") #change address to your own rabboni's address per = Peripheral("C1:EE:EB:A6:4E:43", "random") #change address to your own rabboni's address #per = Peripheral(address, "random") #change address to your own rabboni's address try: services_dic = per.getServices() #get all service for service in services_dic: print("service uuid: ",service.uuid) #get service's uuid charac_dic = service.getCharacteristics() #get all characteristic for charac in charac_dic: print("characteristics uuid: ",charac.uuid) #get characteristic's uuid print("handle: ",charac.getHandle()) #get characteristic's handle # set callback for notifications per.setDelegate(MyDelegate()) # enable notification setup_data = b"\x01\x00" #data for enable notification led_data = b"\x37\x01\x01" #data for led per.writeCharacteristic(45, led_data, withResponse=True) #write led characteristic per.writeCharacteristic(23, setup_data, withResponse=True) #write sensor characteristic # wait for answer while True: if per.waitForNotifications(5.0): continue finally: per.disconnect()
sudo python3 pump.py